Product&Engineering teaming up to optimize value delivery in 2024
The era of free money is long gone, and product teams now face high pressure to deliver monetary results as quickly as possible. This presents new challenges for these organizations, and they must transform, optimize and collaborate in novel ways. Our speakers will share their insights on how product and engineering teams can work together effectively in these new settings to achieve success.
How we turned product and tech teams into superpowers, killing competition.
- Tech is here to create revenue.
- Great tech is considered a company superpower that beats competition down versus a necessary evil.
- No gaps between tech and prod. Create synergies instead.
- Case study: example of Mews: from dying in covid to unicorn in 3 years.
- covid times
- reorg
- from mediocre to efficient teams
- role of the product management
- top 6 high-impact issues we’ve resolved in the teams from the perspective of an engineering manager:
- highlight the cooperation between prod and tech, in particular, concrete stories.
- how we measure success: efficiency and outcomes
- lessons learned